Frequently asked questions

How does the payment work?

The payment for the drawing club is based on a monthly or annual subscription. Your Paypal or credit card will be billed on the initial day of subscription until you decide to cancel.

What’s the difference between Patreon and this website?

You’ll notice that there are 2 ways to sign up for the drawing club membership: Paying directly through my website or paying through Patreon. Both ways give you access to the exact same content, so there is no difference content wise. Signing up directly on my website is a little cheaper though, as it cuts out Patreon as the middle man.

When will I get access to the tutorials?

You get access right after purchasing a membership. You will receive an email with your login details. Every member will have access to all previously uploaded tutorials and all new lessons until one decides to cancel. Once your membership is cancelled you’ll lose access when your membership expires.

What is your refund policy?

Due to the nature of digital content a refund is not possible. Though you can cancel your membership anytime. Keep in mind your next billing date will be the initial day you signed up. If you join on March 12, your next billing date will be April 12, etc.

Can I access the other lessons if I only work with colored pencil?

Yes, every member gets access to all lessons, including those with different materials. The fun thing is that you can learn from all videos and implement the techniques to your own materials. Some pastel techniques can be applied to colored pencil and vice versa!

Are there only tutorials about animals on the site?

About 80% of the tutorials are based around animals, but there are also tutorials on flowers, water, fruits and many wildlife tutorials include an interesting background. Although I am focused on animals I also think it’s important to practice other subjects!

Are the lessons suitable for all levels?

Yes, there are shorter tutorials directed towards beginners and long, detailed tutorials for more advanced members. The tutorial lengths vary from everything between 30 minutes and 15 hours. Everyone can choose their own path and order of subjects. I like giving students the freedom of choosing lessons based on their current interests. The tutorial dashoard contains a ‘basics’ section, so you can easily find the more beginner tutorials there.

Do I get guidance from you?

When becoming a member you’ll get access to the Facebook group and Discord channel. You can use these ways to ask me and the other members for feedback or just share the drawing you’re currently working on. The learning leopard membership gives you the option to get weekly personal guidance and critiques from me.

What materials do I need to get started?

Inside the membership area you can find a full material explanation as it does depend on your interests. For the graphite tutorials you can get started with a simple pencil and paper. For colored pencil I myself use Faber Castell Polychromos pencils and Stabilo Carbothello pastel pencils for the pastel tutorials. You will still be able to follow along with different brands. If you’re wondering about the quality of your materials feel free to send me an email so I can advice you.

Are the videos subtitled?

Currently subtitles are not integrated. Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to get someone hired to subtitle the lessons in different languages. The videos are English spoken.